The SSA is an artist-led membership organisation governed by an elected Council consisting of around twelve members of the Society. The SSA today continues in the spirit of its founders in 1891, to show the controversial and the unexpected and to give space to new artists of promise.

Honorary President: Richard Demarco OBE

Honorary Vice-President: The Rt Hon Donald Wilson, Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh

President: Gayle Nelson

Vice-Presidents: Paul Charlton & Sharon Quigley

Administrator and Exhibition Coordinator: Lynne Mackenzie

The Council:
Katharine Aarrestad SSA, Elaine Allison SSA, Rick Ballard, Jill Bennett SSA, Calum Buchanan (co-opted), Aleksandra Kargul SSA, Kirsty Lorenz SSA, Deirdre Robertson (co-opted) and Jenny Smith SSA.

Graduate & Intern Coordinators:
Jill Bennet, Aleksandra Kargul and Sharon Quigley

Installation Coordinators:
Elaine Allison, Sharon Quigley and Aleksandra Kargul

Volunteer Coordinator:  Fiona Hutchison

Exhibition Hanging
Special thanks to all SSA volunteers and to the following committees:

Selection Committee for site-specific Work:
Gayle Nelson PSSA, Sharon Quigley VPSSA, Paul Charlton VPSSA Katharine Aarrestad SSA, and Elaine Allison SSA.

Selection Committee for all other work:
Gayle Nelson PSSA, Leena Nammari SSA, Louise Ritchie SSA, Sharon Quigley VPSSA, David Faithfull SSA, Robert Powell and Cécile Simonis.

Hanging and Arranging Committee:
Gayle Nelson PSSA, David Faithfull SSA, Katharine Aarrestad SSA, Paul Charlton VPSSA, Alan Bond SSA, Duncan Robertson SSA, Rona MacLean and Jill Bennett.

Sharon Quigley VPSSA, Paul Charlton SSA, Calum Buchanan (co-opted)